We’d like to say a huge thank you to the local community of Hillsborough Park for their continued support of Tramlines and we are committed to working with local residents and the council to help better the festival and see how Tramlines can be more involved in local projects.
Residents Ticket Applications
As always, we recognise that residents within close proximity to the park may be directly impacted by the festival and in areas where we deem this a possibility, we provide free or discounted resident tickets.
Resident Applications for 2023 have not yet opened. More details will follow soon.
Please see the map detailing the catchment area for 2022, which has been extended for a new Category 3.
Categories Explained
Category 1: Up to 2 x Weekend Tickets and 2 x Children Tickets.
Category 2: Entered into the Resident Ticket Ballot for up to 2 x Free Adult Weekend Tickets and 2 x Free Children tickets.
Category 3: Entered into the Resident Ticket Ballot for up to 2 x Discounted Adult Weekend Tickets and 2 x Discounted Children tickets.
Category 3 discounted tickets will be priced at £79.50 + booking fee for a Weekend Ticket.
You can SIGN UP to the Residents mailer to be notified of any news and updates.
The Application Process
Households that fall within the Category 1 area may apply for 2 adult tickets per household and up to 2 Children (5-12 years or 4 & under). We look at the following criteria when considering your application.
Once we have assessed whether your address is eligible we will be in touch to allocate your tickets.
A second set of tickets are made available for local residents who live close to the park in Category 2. Category 2 will be entered into a ballot to gain free Weekend Tickets, successful households will be notified.
New for 2022, we have a 3rd Category for residents who can apply to be entered into a ballot for the chance to purchase tickets at a discounted rate.
Categories Explained
Category 1: Up to 2 x Weekend Tickets and 2 x Children Tickets.
Category 2: Entered into the Resident Ticket Ballot for up to 2 x Free Adult Weekend Tickets and 2 x Free Children tickets.
Category 3: Entered into the Resident Ticket Ballot for up to 2 x Discounted Adult Weekend Tickets and 2 x Discounted Children tickets.
Category 3 discounted tickets will be priced at £79.50 + booking fee for a Weekend Ticket.
Each household can receive a Maximum of 2 Adult and 2 Children tickets (5-12 years or 4 & under).
Please have copies of the following documents ready to upload to complete your application:
*Please note the following terms: