Work in the Community

Hillsborough Park

Our home at Hillsborough Park is something we cherish. Tramlines continues to work alongside Sheffield City Council to find new ways of improving Hillsborough Park year on year, making it a safe and welcoming space for its residents and visitors. 

We’d like to say a huge thank you to the local community of Hillsborough Park for their continued support of Tramlines and we are committed to working with local residents, the Friends of Hillsborough Park and the council to help better the festival and it’s home.


Hillsborough Primary School

Since 2019 Tramlines has fundraised £3000 for Hillsborough Primary School, working alongside the school on a Tea Towel merch line whereby pupils draw their favourite artist from the Tramlines lineup. The Tea Towel merch allows the children to creatively engage with the festival, whilst raising funds for the school. All profits go towards funding projects


Money raised from the tea towel sales has supported the school and children in a number of ways including:

  • Enhancing the new outdoor area on Parkside Road and new green spaces within the school, ensuring the school can provide resources to ensure children are active throughout the day and promoted learning in outdoor environments.
  • Providing high quality reading corners in the classroom and artwork for the library, ensuring there is a warm and child friendly space within the classrooms.


Nicola Wiseman, Headteacher, Hillsborough Primary School – ‘Working with Tramlines has been a real pleasure. It’s great to see the festival organisers’ commitment to collaborative working, their partnership with us is always a priority for the team. Being in such close proximity to the festival, the organisers ensure the safety and wellbeing of local residents and businesses is considered at all times and they are committed to promoting the area of Hillsborough to all who attend.’
