Femur are one of those bands that I’ve wanted to see for ages. Why I don’t know, it’s just that the vibe on the street says ‘see Femur, it’s an experience’. Was I disappointed, did |I regret that urge to see them, nope, this band rock. They play a kind of doomy psychedelic garage, but it’s doomy. It whirls and swirls. It’s a sound that you want to dive into and go deeper and deeper into it. From the moment their set started I was totally hooked. It’s a sound so thick it has a physical presence, you can feel it move over you, through you. The waves of sound are hypnotising. Tearing yourself away from it requires actual physical effort. I managed briefly to tear myself away and scribble some notes, they say “Oh fuck this band are so great, so good, so brilliant. It’s post-punk on acid (that’s that doomy thing they have), it’s garage taken to an illogical extent. It’s The Doors if they had gone further and deeper. “It is a glorious wonderful sound that batters its way into your soul as well as your ears. It’s completely fantastically beautifully relentless” This band are addictive. If you haven’t seen them yet, you need to see them, you must see them.” – Local Sound Focus “The whole world may be raving about IDLES right now with a blind eye to bands such as FEMUR, but the remarkable amount of volatility in their sound almost made IDLES seem comparable to Bon Jovi.